Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Debbie Wasserman: A Gift Of Stupidity, That Keeps On Giving...

This blog is firmly in favor of new DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz keeping her liberal gums flapping from now until election day.  She's a walking soundbite...for future Republican attack ads in 2012. 

Last Friday I highlighted three individual acts of unbelievable stupidity by Wasserman, but hey - anyone can have a bad day, right?

But she sure seems to have a lot of them.  Right Wing News - which describes DWS as one of the most vitriolic, off base, half informed demagogues of the far left in America today - gives us the video and transcript below, where Debbie claims that Republicans want to make illegal immigration...illegal, showing clearly no understanding that, yes, to take up residence in a nation without explicit permission to do so is against the law:

We have 12 million undocumented immigrants in this country that are part of the backbone of our economy. And that, that is not only a reality but a necessity. And that it would be harmful if some — you know, the Republican solutions that I’ve seen in the last few years is that we should just pack them all up and ship them back to their own countries, and in fact it should be a crime and we should arrest them all. I mean that was in legislation that Jim Sensenbrenner advanced a couple of years ago.

They're the backbone of our economy?  Really?  What about hardworking, tax-paying, all-American workers - what are they, a freakin' drain?  And why, in a nation with millions upon millions unemployed, is the existence of 12 million illegals a "necessity"?    And Debbie , do you have any idea in the world that what you are describing - "undocumented" immigrants - is already a crime not only in America, but in virtually every single nation on the entire flipping planet?

It's hard, hard work to be this seriously stupid.  Give Debbie some props.  And when you start to worry about the 2012 elections, when the media tells you the Democrats have it all locked up, just think of Debbie, and the fact that this is the best the Democrats can offer America....

Religion of Peace stones beautiful teenager to death for...being a beautiful teenager

These guys hate their women almost - almost - as much as they hate Jews:

A teenage Muslim girl was stoned to death under 'Sharia law' after taking part in a beauty contest in Ukraine.

Katya Koren, 19, was found dead in a village in the Crimea region near her home.

Friends said she liked wearing fashionable clothes and had come seventh in a beauty contest.

Police have opened a murder investigation and are looking into claims that three Muslim youths killed her, claiming her death was justified under Islam.

One of the three - named as 16-year-old Bihal Gaziev - is under arrest and told police that Katya had 'violated the laws of Sharia'. Gaziev has said he has no regrets about her death.

No worries, Gaziev.  You've got a job waiting for you as the "Morality Minister" in the new government of Egypt, or perhaps in Greater Hamastan (formerly known as the West Bank)....if not, the Iranian "morality patrols" certainly have an entry-level position with you name on it...

Allen West, Meet Sarah Palin

This picture, folks, is what keeps Democratic strategists up at night, soaking the sheets with a cold, clammy sweat:

The only question is, who's on top of the ticket?

Via  Can I Just Finish My Waffle?

A Well-Deserved Smackdown for "J Street"

J Street, if you haven't heard, is an anti-Israeli lobbying group made of of useful (Jewish) idiots, funded by George Soros, which endorse every Palestinian atrocity and condemn every act of Israeli self-defense, while claiming that only by complete surrender can Israel ever find peace.  Masquerading as a "pro-Israel" group, they are primarily made of of self-loathing American Jews, who have abandoned their Judaism for the socially convenient religion of Liberalism.  Shoot, these guys are so far out of it, as far as their alleged religion is concerned, that they don't even offer Kosher food at their confabs. I'm sure, however, if you wanted a bacon cheeseburger...

In all honesty, J-Street does little to promote their key reason for being,  that there is a division in American Jewish thought, that "mainstream" American Jews are more J Street than APAIC.  But they do offer outstanding cover to Democratic politicians, who want to appear to be pro-Israel while doing everything they can to undermine the Jewish state and strengthen their enemies.  Like Keith Ellison, for one.

The media gives J Street more credit than they are due, simply because they dovetail more with their personal views.  But to get an idea of the revulsion many ordinary Americans and Israelis feel with this stealth pro-Palestinian stalking horse, one could do no better than to read the words of Daniel Gordis.

Who is Gordis?  An American-born rabbi and Columbia University graduate (cum laude) who moved to Israel in 1998, of whom liberal Jeff Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic has written, "If you asked me, 'of all the people you know, who cares the most about the physical, moral and spiritual health of Israel?' I would put the commentator and scholar Daniel Gordis at the top of the list."

So let's listen to Gordis take apart J Street.  From his remarks back in May, as he addressed J Street Leadership Mission to Israel and Palestine, I thought this was a classic smackdown of the arrogant liberalism that permeates J Street, as well as the editorial boards of the MSM and the current occupants of the White House:

As most of you know, I disagree strongly with much of what you do. But I think that we have an obligation to meet with people with whom we disagree.
...the vast majority of Israelis, if presented with a genuine opportunity to live side by side in a democratic, transparent, peaceful, demilitarized Palestine, would accept it.

So, assuming that’s what you also seek, I assume our disagreement is about how to get there. You believe that people who are not willing to make major territorial concessions to the Palestinians right now are not serious about a two-state solution. You think that those of us who claim that we favor a two-state solution but who are not willing to give up the store at this moment are bluffing. Or we’re liars. Or, at best, we’re well-intentioned but misguided. But bottom line, if we’re not willing now to make the concessions that you think are called for, then we’re not really pursuing peace.

But that is arrogance of the worst sort. Does your distance from the conflict give you some moral clarity that we don’t have? Are you smarter than we are? Are you less racist? Why do you assume with such certainty that you have a monopoly on the wisdom needed to get to the goal we both seek?

.... a perfect example of the certainty and arrogance of which I’m speaking....Reacting to the most recent Fatah-Hamas agreement, this is what J Street had to say: “In fact, many who oppose a two-state deal have, in recent years, done so by arguing that divisions among the Palestinians make peace impossible. Obviously, reconciliation [between Fatah and Hamas] reduces that obstacle – but now skeptics of a two state agreement have immediately stepped forward to say that a deal is impossible with a Palestinian unity government that includes Hamas.”

“Obviously,” you say, reconciliation reduces the obstacle to a peace treaty.

But I would caution you against ever using the word “obviously” when it comes to the Middle East. Nothing here is obvious. If you think that something is obvious, then you simply haven’t thought enough....
Perfect.  But I doubt it penetrated the ideologues that populate J Street.  Their goal - the subjugation of Israel to the Palestinians - is impervious to logic and reason...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

For love of country they accepted death... ~James A. Garfield

The brave die never, though they sleep in dust: Their courage nerves a thousand living men.~Minot J. Savage

It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.General George S. Patton

Lord, we pray for the souls of our dear brothers, called to duty and lost forever on foreign shores. Grant them eternal rest in your arms, these servants of our country, honor and freedom.

Grant that they be remembered...Grant that their sacrifice be understood, and grant them a place at your side in Heaven. "Greater love hath no man than this: that he lay down his life for his friends."

Sunday, May 29, 2011

...Life On One Leg (Part 2): Chicks & Bus Drivers Still The Worst

I wrote a little bit (well, a lot, honestly) last week on my torn left calf, and  the response that people in New York City have to someone on crutches trying to make their way through some sort of minimalistic daily routine.  I just thought, rather than write about Anthony Weiner's wiener, I'd update my (already extensive) thoughts, perceptions, and theories a week later.

..and this, two weeks later, is "healing".  Sigh...

First and foremost: The whole women/men thing has changed one iota, in fact, my perception of men as supportive and thoughtful brothers and women as self-involved, unfeeling cads has only been reinforced this week.  Women have let doors slam in my face (while looking me in the eye, albeit blankly), have rushed ahead of me to grab subway seats (while men have offered theirs to me), and once again have ran up the block to steal my cabs.  Much more detail here, as mentioned above.  I'm disillusioned, to be honest.  I've always loved women and shared little of by biological  bretheren's casual disdain towards them.  However, as I mentioned to a shocked crowd the other day, I'm beginning to understand the maxim "Bro's before ho's" much better than I ever did.

Incidentally, most guys I asked about this behavior often agreed with this explanation (without hearing it from me first) I offered last week:

Are men sympathetic to another guy, who may be "just like them" in many respects - working, athletic, wearing a boot that can be perceived as the result of a sports-related injury? 

When I asked women the explanation for their behavior, I got a lot of laughs (occasionally nervous ones) and a similar explanation virtually every time:  "Women are such bitches".

As I said, I am sorely disillusioned.

That being said, I thought I would comment on the response of some of the "professions" I interact with on a daily basis to a man hobbling through the mean streets on one leg:

Doorman:  The best.  Running over to offer help, offering special elevators, and in the case of my home office making sure they knew what floor I worked on so I could be rescued in an emergency.

Cabbies: Pretty good.  Will occasionally even get out of their cabs to open the door.  One guy shooed away a French couple who tried to take my cab; at least they were properly chagrined.

Food Service: Also pretty good.  I am doing take-out most days, but I am constantly being offered extra large bags, help with the door, and in the one or two occasions I went fast-food, employees told me to sit down and had my food brought to my table. Note here, though: New York much better than New Jersey, where the checker at the local Wawa asked me if I wanted a bag for my breakfast.  Really?

Bus drivers: By far the worst.  My stories are legion.  Commuting into the city in the morning, getting picked up on the side of a busy Jersey highway, not once in eight days did a driver wait for me to take my seat before zooming off at merge speed into traffic, usually sending me lurching down the aisle or into some poor passenger's lap, crutches and all.  My trip home has been a bit more civilized, as I wait on line for a bus in the Port Authority and board in an orderly fashion. However, I can't forget the day I was second on line for a bus (with a pregnant women in front of me), and the bus pulled up a few minutes early.  Rather than open his doors, he sat inside and read the paper (fully aware of our presence three feet away), while the pregnant women and I, already waiting for 15-20 minutes, practically leaned on each other for support until the driver yawned, stretched, and finally open the doors some additional 5-7 minutes later.

You should be proud, New Jersey Transit.  Your drivers suck balls, up and down.  No wonder we private citizens loath your pathetic, fat union asses.

Anyway, hopefully no more than another week on crutches, then I should be back on three feet, if not two.  How will "life with a cane" work out?  Should be interesting....

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Obama Gets Humiliated By...Canada

I love our northern neighbors (they're quiet, clean, respectful enough, and for the most part mind their own business) dearly, but to get your ass kicked by a Canadian is like...well, unless you're getting your ass kicked by Bobby Clarke, it's like getting kicked in the shins by a little girl and staying down for the count, curled into the fetal position..

The Canadians dealt such an ass-kicking to Barack Obama the other day.  It was a moral ass-kicking, but it is proof positive that the moral beacon that has long since shined from Washington DC has been snuffed by the president, and replaced with cravenness, cowardice, and the insatiable urge to appease evil rather than protect good.

Perhaps now the beacon emanates from Toronto:

Group of Eight leaders had to soften a statement urging Israel and the Palestinians to return to negotiations because Canada objected to a specific mention of 1967 borders, diplomats said on Friday.

Canada's right-leaning Conservative government has adopted a staunchly pro-Israel position in international negotiations since coming to power in 2006, with Prime Minister Stephen Harper saying Canada will back Israel whatever the cost. ...

"The Canadians were really very adamant, even though Obama expressly referred to 1967 borders in his speech last week," one European diplomat said.

Stephen Harper is my new hero:

Harper has made is position on Israel very clear, saying last year: "When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand."

A stand that Barack Obama refuses to take, despite the demands from the American people that he do so. Europe wants Israel dead to mollify the restive Muslim populations in their cities (fat chance), and to somehow legitimize their enthusiastic participation in the Nazi Holocaust. Barack Obama is joining the rape-gang because everyone in his faculty lounge always said that Israel was the real bad guy, and besides, he really, really, wants the Europeans and Muslims to like him (fat chance).

Who would have thought, as clouds once again begin to appear over Western Civilization, and the words "never again" are forgotten as quickly as a Barack Obama promise, that it would be the Canadians that would stand tall?

Oh, Canada...

Italy Descends Into Intellectual Barbarism

Granted, I haven't paid much attention to the going-ons in Italy lately - most of the news seems to be about Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's predilection for barely-legal girls.  So I don't know if they've been sliding down an intellectual slope for a while now, or this is just the dip one would expect to see when the cast of Jersey Shore comes to town.  Still, I had to read this story twice to make sure it wasn't parody.

Alas, it is not:

Italian government officials have accused the country's top seismologist of manslaughter, after failing to predict a natural disaster that struck Italy in 2009, a massive devastating earthquake that killed 308 people.

A shocked spokesman for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) likened the accusations to a witch hunt.

"It has a medieval flavor to it -- like witches are being put on trial," the stunned spokesman told FoxNews.com.

Enzo Boschi, the president of Italy's National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), will face trial along with six other scientists and technicians, after failing to predict the future and the impending disaster.

Earthquakes are, of course, nearly impossible to predict, seismologists say. In fact, according to the website for the USGS, no major quake has ever been predicted successfully.

"Neither the USGS nor Caltech nor any other scientists have ever predicted a major earthquake," reads a statement posted on the USGS website. "They do not know how, and they do not expect to know how any time in the foreseeable future

It's a witch hunt, all right. By politicians looking for someone to blame for a natural disaster. Maybe Italian officials are taking an example out of the Democratic playbook, when our own leftists used Hurricane Katrina as a cudgel to beat George W. Bush, despite the fact that if one could blame anything outside of natural forces for the devastation there, it would be the local (Democratic) officials who sat back and did nothing.

Regardless, another wall that separated Western Civilization from barbarism has fallen. And in the homeland of the Renaissance, no less. Alas, there is no trusting the Europeans, who seems simultaneously ready to become socialist Jew-killers (again) as well as resigning themselves to be overthrown by barbarians (again). Maybe, with that forethought, they are trying to beat the clock, and jump-start the race (back) to the bottom.

Somewhere, Galileo weeps.

...don't blame these guys....

Friday, May 27, 2011

Anya (“Helena”)

Anya is a big tall amazon with 191 cm Height 113 kg Weight . she do wrestling and sports photography . she has also dabled in fetish modeling as well as glamour.
she have had the opportunity to work with wonderful photographers and hope to continue that in the future.

Height: 6’ 3” (1.91 m)
Weight: 250 lb (113.40 kg)
Nationality: American
Occupation: Model/ Student
Waist: 91 cm
Hips: 107 cm
Cup: B
Shoe: 12.0
Hair color: Blonde
Hair length: Long
Eye color: Blue
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Skin color: White
Shoot nudes: No
Experience: Experienced
Compensation: Depends on Assignment

Christina Cox

Christina Cox (born July 31, 1971) is a Canadian movie and television actress and stuntwoman.

Christina Cox was born just outside of Toronto, the youngest of three daughters. Her two sisters are named Tracey and Melissa. She studied theatre and dance at the Arts York at Unionville High School,and continued her theatre training at the Ryerson Theatre School of Toronto where she studied for two years.

Cox competed in the areas of gymnastics, track and field and Tae Kwon Do.At one point she had aspirations of becoming an Olympic gymnast but then focused on drama and dance while in high school. She is also proficient in boxing, Muay Thai Kickboxing and fencing and has had training in stage combat, period weaponry and firearms.

She has over 38 movie and television appearances to her credit. Her best known movie roles include the 1999 Canadian movie Better Than Chocolate, where she co-starred as Kim, and a feature supporting role as Eve Logan in The Chronicles of Riddick. She received a Gemini Award nomination for her performance of Angela Ramírez in F/X: The Series. Cox was an original member of the UPN sitcom Girlfriends, cast as Lynn, for the pilot episode.

Cox has appeared in numerous national theater productions such as William Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" to Jim Cartwright's raw and dirty "Road". She is also credited with stuntwork in Million Dollar Baby, starring Hilary Swank. Her first role as a main character in a television series was that of Vicki Nelson in the short lived Blood Ties, a supernatural detective series based on the novels by Tanya Huff. Tanya Huff said that: "Back when Christina Cox was doing FX: The Series, I used to point at the screen and announce, 'When she's a little older, she'd be brilliant as Vicki!"

She starred as astronaut-biologist Jen Crane in ABC's 2009 summer show Defying Gravity. Cox also appeared on Showtime in the Dexter episode "Dex Takes a Holiday" as police officer Zoey Kruger. She recently joined the cast of the 2011 ABC summer drama Combat Hospital aka The Hot Zone with Elias Koteas and Deborah Kara Unger.

Cox currently resides in Los Angeles, California with her husband Grant Mattos a former NFL wide receiver for the San Diego Chargers who appeared in the 2011 season of the CBS series Survivor.

Selected filmography
Spike of love (1994)
Street Law (1995)
No One Could Protect Her (1996)
Better Than Chocolate (1999)
Code Name Phoenix (2000)
Jane Doe (2001)
Sometimes a Hero (2003)
The Chronicles of Riddick, as Eve Logan (2004)
Max Havoc: Ring of Fire (2006)
Making Mr. Right (2008)

Forever Knight, as Jeanne d'Arc (4 episodes) (1992, 1994, 1995)
Due South Season 1 Free Willie and season 2 Vault (1994 and 1995)
The Crow: Stairway to Heaven, as Jessica Capshaw (7 episodes) (1998)
F/X: The Series (1996–1998)
Earth: Final Conflict recurring character Halley Simmons (1997–2001)
Stargate SG-1 ("Spirits" 1998/"The Sentinel" 2002)
Cold Case (Sherry Darlin') (2003)
CSI: Miami (Stalkerazzi) (2004)
Nikki and Nora (pilot) (2005)
Numb3rs (Man Hunt) (2005)
House ("Love Hurts") (2005)
Blood Ties (2007–2008)
Bones ("Death in the Saddle")
Stargate Atlantis (2008) 5x07 "Whispers" as Major Anne Teldy.
Defying Gravity (2009) as Jen
Dexter (TV series) (2009) as Zoey Kruger
24 (TV series) (2010) as Molly O'Connor
The Stepson (TV Movie) (2010) Lifetime Movie Network
NCIS (TV series) (2011) 8x13 Freedom as Georgia Wooten

Jordana Brewster

Jordana Brewster (born April 26, 1980) is an American actress. She began her acting career in her late teens, with a 1995 one-episode role in the soap opera All My Children. She followed that appearance with the recurring role as Nikki Munson in As the World Turns, for which Brewster was nominated for Outstanding Teen Performer at the 1997 Soap Opera Digest Award. She was later cast as Delilah Profitt, one of the main characters in her first feature film, Robert Rodriguez's 1998 horror science fiction The Faculty. Her role brought her to the attention of a much wider audience, gained critical acclaim and achieved financial success. She also landed a starring role in a 1999 NBC television miniseries entitled The 60s.

Her breakthrough role came in the 2001 high budget car-themed action film The Fast and the Furious, which was a worldwide success. Brewster began being widely recognized. Other film credites include the 2004 action comedy film D.E.B.S., the 2005 independent drama Nearing Grace and the 2006 horror film The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, for which she received two Teen Choice Award nominations.

She had a recurring role in the NBC television series Chuck and starred in the 2009 film Fast & Furious, the fourth installment of the The Fast and the Furious film series. After guest roles in several television shows such as Dark Blue and Gigantic, she appeared in the fifth film in the franchise, 2011's Fast Five, which gained critical praise, becoming the highest rated entry for Brewster. She will star in the television series Dallas.

Brewster co-starred in the fifth film of the The Fast and the Furious franchise, Fast Five. The film was released on April 29, 2011. The film told the story of Paul Walker and Vin Diesel's characters fighting against federal agents and a corrupt businessman. Filming of the movie began on June 28, 2010 in Rio de Janeiro and finished in October of that year. Fast Five opened to favorable reviews and has been a financial success, breaking box office records to become the highest grossing opening weekend in an April and the second highest opening weekend in Spring, earning $168 million.